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Here's my deal

I’ve worked in Major League Baseball with the Baltimore Orioles and spent time as a marketing executive in the New York financial arena. In between I was a professional cookie decorator. Through it all, I’ve been a writer — more specifically and most recently a freelance creative director/copywriter specializing in digital media.

Despite the tarnish that the ad industry tends to accumulate, I still love it. I get audibly excited with concepts or headlines I think can dazzle my co-workers (and even the clients who are paying for them). I look forward to presentations the same way athletes anticipate game time. With some regularity, the results have won awards. Hopefully, the work on this site speaks for itself. If not, here's what some clients have had to say:

"We like it, but to be safe we're going to stick with the old line."

"Everyone agrees. It's a little too negative."

"Really funny! Not sure if it's going to get through legal, though."


Moved to Manhattan twenty years ago and still routinely get lost in the West Village.

Ghostwrote this charming memoir a decade ago.

While vacationing in Burgundy I tried to converse with a shopkeeper in French and accidentally professed my love to her. 

Once ate 3 Geno's cheesesteaks in a single sitting.

Recently bought a pair of sunglasses before finding out they were, in fact, ladies' frames. Still wearing them. You'd never know.  

As a high school sophomore I performed Dan Aykroyd's Julia Child sketch from the 1978 season of SNL in full drag, with a real chicken, while showering myself with 1000 cc's of stage blood. Arguably my strongest presentation of all time.  

Please get in touch with me at ryanmeagle@gmail.com